Once upon a time in the future,
When even electric cars and VR-glasses were considered old fashioned, five pastrami sandwiches and some apples had just been delivered by the canteen’s two mini drones.
The workplace we’re describing, was -fully in line with applicable regulations- equipped with virus-neutralizing gates and vitamin D vaporizers. Nonetheless, coffee mugs were at every desk, and nineties hip-hop was reverberating through the speakers as if it were only the year 2023.
And despite the fact that pencils, paint and rulers were a definite part of history at this moment, some of the people working in this office had their tongues slightly coming out of their mouths, pointing towards their respective noses, as if they were still in elementary school.
Jeroen Prins
Has, just before his last hair turned from dark brown into shining grey, succeeded playing the piano at an acceptable level.
Thomas Wolfert
Is still going with the flow, preferable on a mountain bike in the Alps, and hopes to have found a way to vocalize his satisfaction about finished projects.
Nicola Scognamiglio
Probably hasn’t changed a bit, since he never did that, on a structural and existential level, anyway. Except, maybe, for the part of saying ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ once in a while.
Rene Prins
Still makes progressive, minimalistic house tracks, and might have become the director of the Frisian museum.
Marco Stecca
Has stopped dipping cookies in Prosecco and managed to be at peace with all dutch weather conditions.
Joel Langeveld
Will be even more gratefull for Tom Sellleck’s mustache for getting him hooked on architecture.
Davide Calabrò
Despite one of favorite Italian proverbs, “sin che si vive, s’impara sempre” (as long as you live you’ll always learn), still hasn’t learned how Dutch weather behaves.
Vincent Debonne
Still hasn’t let anything come in between him and his creativity, and by now probably has succeeded in encountering and photographing the Norwegian musk oxe.